The list below is not exhaustive, please email us at for further information on bespoke training options and prices.
Non Clinical Courses
Clinical Courses
- Adult Basic Life Support
- Breakaway Care
- Care Certificate Induction Training
- Care Planning (Personalised approach)
- Communication
- Complaints Handling
- Conflict Resolution
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
- Dignity in Care
- Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW)
- Equality and Diversity
- Fire Safety
- First Aid at Work (FAW)
- Food Hygiene
- Health and Safety Awareness
- Information Governance
- Introduction to Care Mandatory 1 Day course (Condensed version of the 3 day care certificate)
- Infection Prevention and Control
- Lone Working
- Managing Challenging Behavior
- Mandatory training 1 Day course (CSTF)
- Medication Management
- Mental Capacity/ Health Act and Deprivation of Liberty (DOL’s) training
- Moving and Handling including Assessment
- Nutrition and Hydration Awareness
- Oral Health Care
- Paediatric Basic Life Support
- Personalised Care Approach
- Positive behavior Support and Non restrictive Practice
- Prevention Management of Violence and Aggression (PMVA)
- Record and Reporting Information
- Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR)
- Risk Assessments
- Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults and Children
- Acquired brain injury
- Anaphylaxis training
- ANTT Training or Aseptic Non-Touch Technique Training
- Blood Glucose Monitoring
- Bowel Management
- Catheterisation (Urinary)
- Cannulation
- Clinical Observations (BP, Sats, Glucose readings etc)
- Clinical Skills 1 Day Introduction (Wound Care, PEGs, Catheters etc)
- Controlled medication
- Defibrillation and Airway Management
- Diabetes and Insulin Care and Management
- Dysphagia
- Enteral feeds (Nasogastric, Jejunostomy, PEG)
- Epilepsy
- Oxygen Therapy
- Pessary and Suppository Administration
- Pressure Area Care and Tissue Viability
- Respiratory Care
- Sepsis
- Stoma Care
- Syringe Driver
- Tissue Viability
- Tracheostomy Care
- Venepuncture
- Verification of Death
- Wound Care